Construction Waste Management

Catapulting the Construction Sector towards a cleaner and greener future

Solid Waste within the Construction Industry

Construction waste are significant byproducts of the processes within the construction industry and may include electrical wiring, roofing, rubble, stones, glass and plant materials. Extensive amount of construction waste stems from damaged wood and brick or concrete, of which, we have priorly played our part in assisting our clients attain their high GBI ratings in Malaysia.

Responsible management of waste is a vital part of a sustainable building. Our practices at ESP towards managing your waste focuses firstly on reusing and recycling materials which might otherwise become waste. We take pride in our services to promote economically and environmentally viable management and appropriate means of reducing the total waste disposed from your processes.

Our Construction Waste Management Services includes of:

What happens to your construction waste?

ESP's operation in the waste management of the construction industry is aligned with the construction's industry awareness of disposal and reuse issues to reduce volumes of construction waste disposed in landfills. All waste collected from your site will be properly managed with our 3R program or disposed of in registered and legal landfill sites.

We welcome you to visit and understand our operations at our operating facility. Let us offer you with a customized waste management solution so you can keep your projects on-time and on-budget while we deal with your waste with our sustainable management practices.

To understand more about how we can help you with your company's waste, call us today at 012-416 6826